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  • Visit of Institute of Nuclear Energy Research of Taiwan at HBS Project

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    by Thomas Gutberlet The Institute of Nuclear Energy Research in Taiwan is developing a cyclotron based compact accelerator based neutron source. The project is in the inital stage and Dr.…

  • HBS Technical Design Report published

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    By Thomas Gutberlet, JCNS The High Brilliance neutron Source (HBS) project is developing a High-Current Accelerator-driven Neutron Source (HiCANS) as next generation neutron source for the benefit of science and…

  • Successful electron beam testing of HBS target

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    by Johannes Baggemann Within the HBS project an innovative target concept has been developed to fulfill the special requirements of HBS, namely high brilliance and high proton current at moderate…

  • 9th HBS Workshop

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    The 9th international workshop on High Brilliance Neutron Sources based on a low energy accelerator system was held again as a face-to-face conference from September 14-15, 2023, organized by the…

  • HBS@ECNS 2023

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    With 539 participants from all over the world, the European Conference on Neutron Scattering (ECNS) successfully took place at MLZ in Garching! The HBS project was presented not only on…



    Accelerator-driven, low-energy compact neutron sources are considered the next generation of neutron source for a wide range of applications. On 12 December 2022, researchers from the Jülich Centre for Neutron…

  • 6th Joint Workshop of RIKEN RAP and JCNS

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    The Japanese RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics (RAP) and the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) held their sixth joint workshop on compact accelerator-driven neutron sources (CANS) from 01-02 December…

  • 8th High Brilliance Neutron Source Workshop and ELENA Focal Area Meetings

    Participants of the 8th HBS Workshop in front of the Rheinhotel Schulz in Unkel, Germany. Copyright: Forschungszentrum Jülich

    After two years of virtual meetings, the eighth international workshop on High Brilliance Neutron Sources based on a compact accelerator system was held again as a face-to-face conference from 28-30…

  • IMoH2022 Poster Prize for Qi Ding

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    JCNS physicist Qi Ding has been awarded one of two poster prizes at the “1st International Meeting on Opportunities and Challenges for Hicans – ImoH2022”. “HiCANS” stands for “High-current compact…

  • 7th High Brilliance Neutron Source Workshop and ELENA Focal Area Meetings

    Thumbnail for the post titled: 7th High Brilliance Neutron Source Workshop and ELENA Focal Area Meetings

    From 21-24 September 2021, the seventh international workshop on High Brilliance Neutron Sources based on a compact accelerator system took place as virtual conference organized by the Jülich Centre for…