HBS Innovationspool Project/Meetings

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19.-20. Jan. 2022 Videoconference,

Link to the video conference via bluejeans

Wed. 19. 01. 2022
Chair Thomas Gutberlet
10:00 Thomas Gutberlet Welcome, HBS Status
10:10 Tania Claudio-Weber HBS Infrastructure
10:30 Holger Podlech Design Status of the HBS Accelerator
10:50 Markus Basten Status of high power Alternating Phase Focusing cavities
11:10 Andreas Lehrach Status of Proton beam multiplexer and HEBT for HBS
11:30 Discussion
12:00 Lunch break

Chair Ulrich Rücker

13:00 Jingjing Li Monte Carlo simulation of the neutron yield of beryllium and tantalum irradiated with protons and deuterons
13:20 Olaf Felden HBS – BigKarl beamline – work in progress
13:30 Paul Zakalek A flexible target station setup for a Hi-CANS
14:00 Discussion
14:30 End of Meeting Day 1
Thu. 20.01.2022

Chair Jörg Voigt

10:00 Johannes Baggemann High Heat Flux Test at HBS Target (PDF, 5 MB)
10:20 Qi Ding Optimization of the microchannel target for HBS project
10:40 Ulrich Rücker Optimization strategies for thermal moderators (PDF, 772 kB)
11:00 Alexander Schwab Solid Cold Neutron Moderator Developments towards HBSSolid Cold Neutron Moderator Developments towards HBS
11:20 Egor Vezhlev Neutronic performance of a low-dimensional para-H2 moderator in a reactor source
11:40 Discussion
12:00 Lunch break

Chair Paul Zakalek

13:00 Jochen Fenske Status Update on the engineering diffractometer for HBS
13:20 Zhanwen Ma Selene neutron guides for small samples
13:30 Shavkat Akhmadaliev Progress of the neutron beamline at the IBC (HZDR
14:00 Discussion
14:30 End of Meeting
28.-29. April 2021: HBS Meeting – Innovationspool HBS Meeting, video conference
28. Apr. 2021
13:00 T. Gutberlet (JCNS) Welcome, HBS Status
13:10 Holger Podlech (IAP) Design Status HBS Accelerator (PDF, 2 MB)
13:30 Markus Basten (HIM) H-Mode Cavity Development (PDF, 1 MB)
13:45 Simon Lauber (HIM) Beam Dynamics of the IH-APF-Linacs (PDF, 1 MB)
14:00 Marius Rimmler (JCNS/IKP) Proton beam multiplexer for HBS (PDF, 1 MB)
14:15 Olaf Felden (IKP) Radiation safety measures necessary for increased beam (PDF, 775 kB)
14:30 Break
14:40 Paul Zakalek (JCNS) Radiation safety measures necessary for increased beam (PDF, 775 kB)
15:00 Romuald Hanslick (ZEA-1) HBS Prototype Shielding in Big Karl Area – Current status (PDF, 6 MB)
15:15 Fynn Löchte (ZEA-1) HBS handling-tool: Target exchange process (PDF, 1 MB)
15:30 Johannes Baggemann (JCNS) Compact HBS Tantalum Target – State of development (PDF, 2 MB)
15:45 Qi Ding (JCNS) Neutronics optimization of the microchannel target design for the HBS project (PDF, 2 MB)
16:00 End of Meeting
29. Apr. 2021
13:30 Sebastian Eisenhut(TUD) A Compact and Mobile LH2 Moderator for HBS (PDF, 2 MB)
13:45 Alexander Schwab (JCNS) Final design of the 10 K system for the use of cold solid neutron moderators at the TMR prototype of HBS (PDF, 1 MB)
14:00 Ulrich Rücker (JCNS Proton beam multiplexer for HBS (PDF, 806 kB)
14:20 Coffee break
14:30 Klaus Lieutenant (JCNS) Instrument concepts for HBS (PDF, 1 MB)
14:50 Jochen Fenske (Hereon) An engineering diffractometer for HBS- first concepts and simulations (PDF, 808 kB)
15:10 Zhanwen Ma (JCNS Guide systems for Macro-molecular Diffractometer at HBS (PDF, 10 MB)
15:25 Stefan Facsko (HZDR) Beamline and target design for neutron generation at the Ion (PDF, 4 MB)
15:40 Discussion
16:00 End of Meeting
22. Oct. 2020:  HBS Innovationspool Meeting, video conference
10:00 Welcome
10:00 T. Gutberlet (JCNS) High current accelerator systems for future HBS (PDF, 3MB)
10:10 S. Lauber (HIM) Alternating Phase Focusing Drift Tube Interdigital H-Mode-Linac Layout
10:25 M. Rimmler (JCNS/IKP) Beam multiplexer (PDF, 3MB)
10:40 P. Zakalek (JCNS) Target and Moderators (PDF, 3 MB)
10:55 A. Schwab (JCNS) Cryogenic moderators (PDF, 2 MB)
11:10 J. Fenske (HZG) Neutron transport and instrument development
11:25 Break
11:45 T. Gutberlet (JCNS) High current accelerator systems for future HBS II (PDF, 1 MB)
11:55 M. Basten (HIM) Cavity Development and High Power Measurements (PDF, 2 MB)
12:10 M. Rimmler (JCNS/IKP) Beam multiplexer (WP2) (PDF, 183 kB)
12:25 P. Zakalek (JCNS) Target and Moderators (WP3) (PDF, 2 MB)
12:40 J. Fenske (HZG) Instrumentation (WP4) (PDF, 543 kB)
12:55 S. Facsko (HZDR) Ionenstrahlanalytik und Neutronenimaging (PDF, 4 MB)
13:10 Discussion
13:30 End of Meeting
23. April 2020:  HBS Innovationspool Meeting, video conference
14:00 Introduction
14:05 Holger Podlech (IAP) State of RFQ and beam dynamics
14:25 W. Barth, M. Basten (HIM) State of DTL and cavity development
14:45 M. Rimmler (JCNS/IKP) HBS multiplexing system
15:05 U. Rücker (JCNS) HBS Instrumentation
15:25 U. Tojic (Cosylab) HBS accelerator control system
15:45 Future activities
16:00 End of Meeting
25 Sept. 2019:  HBS Innovationspool Meeting, IAP, Frankfurt
11:00 Welcome
11:05 Oliver Meusel/Holger Podlech (IAP) HBS Accelerator (WP1)
11:25 Winfried Barth (HIM) Cavities and beam dynamics (WP1)
11:45 Marius Rimmler (JCNS/IKP) HBS Multiplexer (WP2)
12:05 Lunch
13:00 Paul Zakalek (JCNS) HBS Target development (WP3)
13:20 Eric Mauerhofer (JCNS) Target activation and shielding (WP3)
13:40 Paul Zakalek (JCNS) HBS Neutron spectrometers (WP4)
14:00 Discussion
15:00 End of Workshop
4 Dec. 2018:  HBS Innovationspool Meeting, JCNS, Jülich
13:00 Welcome
13:05 Discussion of workplan and milestones
1.  Basic concept for 100 mA, 100 MeV linear pulsed proton accelerator (FZJ: IKP-4, HI-Mainz)(IAP Frankfurt)
2.  Prototyping normal conducting low b H-mode cavities (HI Mainz)
3.  Multiplexing system and beam dynamics (FZJ: IKP-4)
4.  Technical proof of principle for 100 kW neutron target system (FZJ: JCNS
5. Beam extraction and transport concepts (HZG)
16:00 End of Workshop

 Project report 2019-2020 (PDF, 108 kB)