Research Network

The accelerator-based High Brilliance Neutron Source (HBS) is a unique future infrastructure for neutron scattering and analytics to be used in a multiple of areas of science, such as physics, chemistry, biology, geology, material sciences, engineering and also in investigations concerning cultural heritage.

The Jülich Centre for Neutron Science has initiated a project for the development of a compact accelerator-driven high brilliance neutron source, optimized for neutron scattering on small samples and to be realized at reasonable cost. The project deals with the optimization of potential projectiles, versatile accelerator systems, target and moderator concepts, cold sources, beam extraction systems and optimized instrumentation. The HBS project has been selected for the Helmholtz-Roadmap for Research Infrastructures.

Such compact sources have the potential to fill a gap by allowing science and industry access to neutrons and therefore serving as local national or regional international medium-flux, high brilliance neutron facilities. They address the needs of an advanced European and world-wide user community in science and industry, providing education and training, effective future method development and a tailored solution to specific needs and requirements. From a European perspective, a great amount of interest in the project has already been generated from scientists in Spain, Italy and France, all of whom are eager to collaborate.

The HBS project demonstrates a novel and innovative approach enabling the establishment of a network of smaller and medium sized neutron sources in Europe based on accelerator-driven facilities. A European network of future compact sources will complement the existing and future high flux European neutron sources such as ILL, MLZ, ISIS and ESS. The development and operation of HBS takes on additional relevance on a global scale as it is part of the “Union of Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources”, UCANS. Once established, the facility will be open to users from all over the world.

Links to projects and partners:

ELENA European Low Energy accelerator-based Neutron facilities Association
LENS League of advanced European Neutron Sources
UCANS Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources
JCANS Japan Collaboration on Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources
ICONE An accelerator driven neutron source at LLB
ESS Bilbao
LENOS Laboratori Nazionali die Legnaro
RAP RIKEN RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics
SARAF Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility
LENS Low Energy Neutron Sourceat Indiana University
IAP Frankfurt Institut for Advanced Phyiscs at Frankfurt University
HI Mainz Helmholtz Institute Mainz
TU Dresden Technical University Dresden
ENSA European Neutron Scattering Association
KFN German Committee Research with Neutrons