IMoH2022 Poster Prize for Qi Ding

01 July 2022

JCNS physicist Qi Ding has been awarded one of two poster prizes at the “1st International Meeting on Opportunities and Challenges for Hicans – ImoH2022”. “HiCANS” stands for “High-current compact accelerator-driven neutron sources”, referring to novel compact neutron sources based on accelerators that simplify access to neutrons and could enable large universities and research centres to operate their own neutron sources. The meeting took place from 20-22 June in Bilbao, Spain.

Qi Ding presented the results of simulation studies to optimize the geometry of the so-called “target”, the component of HiCANS that releases the neutrons. Other members of the HBS research team at JCNS as well as staff from the Jülich Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics – Engineering and Technology (ZEA-1) and RWTH Aachen University were also involved in the research work.

Further information:

IMoH2022 website: