The Japanese RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics (RAP) and the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) held their second joint workshop on compact accelerator-driven neutron sources (CANS) on 14-15 May, 2018 at Forschungszentrum Jülich. The workshop tackled common research topics regarding the development of target and moderator systems for CANS at both institutes.
Dr. Thomas Gutberlet of the High Brilliance neutron Source (HBS) project at JCNS welcomed the guests from RIKEN and highlighted the importance of the collaboration of both insitutes in this field. Dr. Yoshie Otake of RIKEN RAP expressed the Center’s sincere commitment to the common research topics and the work done by both groups.

— Forschungszentrum Jülich
RIKEN has been operating the accelerator-driven neutron source RANS for several years to develop applications in material sciences and civil engineering projects using neutrons. With its expertise in the field, the RIKEN group collaborates with JCNS to further develop the concept of the HBS in Jülich and to establish common projects on target, moderator and instrument development. RIKEN benefits from the expertise of JCNS in developing neutron targets and moderator systems as well as instrumentation and expertise in operating neutron instruments worldwide.
The two-day workshop gave rise to a multitude of common topics which were discussed intensely. A visit to the COSY accelerator facility in Jülich incorporating an experimental area for HBS development projects along with a visit to historic places in Aachen complemented the workshop programme.